
  1. 国内保修
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  4. 成交后你能买到房屋担保吗?


A 国内保修 can lessen the cost to repair or replace many of the systems 和 电器 you will rely on daily once you move into your new house. 了解bet3365标准版计划的利弊, 以及在交易之前或之后购买计划.

买房从来不是件容易的事, 但现在最难的部分已经完成了:你已经找到了你梦想中的家, 在虚线上签字, 要么已经搬进来,要么正在 搬进新家. 现在, after shelling out all that cash for a down payment 和 other moving expenses, 你可能对花更多的钱很谨慎. 

bet3365标准版明白了. 买房可能会有压力,尤其是如果你是一个 首次购房者这是一项巨大的投资. 但是考虑买一个 国内保修 结束后 为新房主省钱.  

不知道什么时候买bet3365标准版? 你可以随时买一个, but just remember that it's better to have a budget protection plan in place sooner rather than later. A 国内保修 actually helps you save money on inevitable repairs to those new (or old) 家庭系统 和 电器. 

所以如果你在买房子的时候没有获得房屋担保, 你现在有房了,应该买一个. Here’s what to consider when purchasing one after closing 和 what your options are. 


首先,让bet3365标准版来了解一下365beat中文版 .

bet3365标准版不同于 施工保证 在新建的房子里. 新建房屋通常有建筑公司的保修单, 其条款通常由州法律规定.这一点很重要, 虽然, that these warranties typically only last 12 months past the purchase or installation date of your systems 和 电器, 而且它们只适用于原所有者的原始购买. 如果你要买 新建住宅, it’s a good idea to underst和 what your builders warranty covers—和 supplement it with a 国内保修, 如果有必要的话.  

房屋担保也不同于房主保险, which covers the structure of your home 和 the personal property within it against catastrophic 损失 due to things like fire, 盗窃, 或者自然行为. 了解更多关于bet3365标准版的差异 bet3365标准版vs. 房屋保险 博客.

So, 365beat中文版? Instead of covering the structure of your home or belongings against damage, 损失, 或被盗, a 国内保修 offers budget protection to help you manage the cost of repairing or replacing covered 家庭系统 和 电器 when they break down due to normal wear 和 tear. 你的 bet3365标准版范围 你的主要电器, 比如你的冰箱, 炉子, 洗碗机, 或微波, 还有你的家庭系统, 像空调, 电, 和管道, 这取决于你的保险范围.  

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Obtaining a 国内保修 after buying a house is probably one of the smartest investments you can make. 为什么? Because your homeowners insurance only covers what could happen (like a fire or flood). A 国内保修, on the other h和, covers what will happen (like an appliance breakdown). 

As much as we would all love to believe that a new-to-you home equals no future issues with its major 电器 和 systems, 这是不现实的. There’s no way you can know what has happened in your home before you owned it. Have the previous homeowners kept up with their maintenance responsibilities? Did they make sure the work was done right, or did they wing it 和 cut corners to save a few bucks? 

另外, you can’t always see the defects in your home’s systems 和 电器 by looking at them or even by testing them. 修复ing an appliance or home system that breaks down suddenly can wreck a carefully calculated budget. 即使是便宜的房屋维修也要花费几百美元, 和 if you end up needing to replace an expensive home system or appliance, 这可能要花费数百甚至数千美元. 

如果你买了房子后获得了房屋保修, 您可以放心,这些涵盖的故障将得到解决.


听起来是个计划. 找到最适合你的保修单.


在你的房子成交后,你能买到房屋担保吗? 当然! 你的家在任何时候都有保修期, 不管你是住了几个月还是几年. 你的保险选择也应该保持不变. If you’re wondering what to do after closing on a house to be sure that you’re covered as soon as you get the keys, 查看bet3365标准版的 国内保修 浏览更多信息. 

美国本土盾提供了三个 bet3365标准版计划:  

  • Are you pretty confident in your home’s 电器 和 only need coverage for some of your 家庭系统? 没有问题. 选择ShieldSilver™计划. 
  • Want some of your 家庭系统 covered, plus your kitchen 和 laundry 电器? 确定的事情. ShieldGold™计划可能适合您.
  • 你需要23号的全覆盖吗 家庭系统电器,以及…… 屋顶漏水修补覆盖率? 伟大的! 选择ShieldPlatinum™计划. 

如果你想增加泳池和水疗的费用,你也可以这样做. 美国本土盾 offers several different plan add-ons designed to allow homeowners to customize their coverage. 客人的单位, 垃圾系统, 井泵,甚至 电子产品 可以被覆盖. 

所有你需要支付的大部分维修或更换是 贸易服务电话费, 和 we’ll cover the rest, subject to the limitations 和 exclusions of your plan. 和 there’s no limit on the number of claims you can file during your plan period. 对bet3365标准版来说,这些好处听起来不错.

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Often, home service plans that are purchased before closing qualify for a lower rate. 如果你考虑在交易结束后购买房屋担保, that could mean that you may have to pay a slightly higher premium for the protection.

和, 当然, 就像房主保险一样, a home service plan can be considered a “gamble” since you’re 不 guaranteed to have to use it.更重要的是, 虽然: the peace of mind of having a plan in place 和 protecting your budget or being stuck with a hefty bill when a major appliance or system breaks down in your new home? 

It’s important to consider the age of your home 和 what the inspection report pointed out. 如果你买的房子有较旧的电器和系统, 例如, buying a home warranty should be one of the first things to do after closing on a home. 

也, 没有bet3365标准版, you could have difficulty procuring a contractor to come out 和 make any necessary repairs. 和 you’ll be required to pay their service call fee plus potential additional fees. When you place a service request under your 美国本土盾® home warranty plan, you’ll pay your previously determined 贸易服务电话费 for a covered service. 这些储蓄真的积少成多! 


If there’s one thing you shouldn’t do after closing on a house, it's to forego the 国内保修. 它就在那里 不换锁. If the seller or your real estate agent didn’t purchase a 国内保修 plan for you during closing, 你应该计划在你买了房子后马上买一个. 

准备好保护您的投资? 查看bet3365标准版的 国内保修 查看更多信息,并进行比较 bet3365标准版费用 和 保修计划 选择一个适合你的新家庭和你的预算.


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