
  1. 国内保修
  2. 博客
  3. 房地产专业人士
  4. 选择bet3365标准版公司时要问的五个问题


作为一个房地产专业人士, you already know the value that a home warranty can provide for buyers, 卖家, 和代理人一样. A one-year service agreement that covers many home system components and appliances that break down over time due to normal wear and tear, a home warranty can help protect your clients’ budgets from unexpected, 包括修理或更换费用. The right home warranty can also help real estate transactions go smoothly by helping to mitigate home inspection surprises and other issues that can sometimes throw transactions off track.

你的工作就是帮助你的客户了解 bet3365标准版范围, and they may also look to you for recommendations of home warranty providers. 这里有五个问题可以帮助你了解 房屋保修公司 以及他们提供的服务和产品:


1. How experienced is your company in serving real estate clients and real estate professionals?

It’s important to find out whether a home warranty company understands and supports the unique needs of real estate clients and the goals of real estate professionals. 作为行业的创始人和领导者,美国家盾® offers innovative real estate edition products designed for specifically for home buyers and 卖家, as well as discounted pricing for real estate home warranties. With benefits that can help streamline real estate transactions, this coverage can help add value to transactions and lead to increased buyer confidence and satisfaction. 美国本土盾 understands that real estate professionals strive to deliver service excellence and build long-term relationships with their clients, which is why the company also offers complimentary marketing materials and a team of professionals to provide information and guidance. 事实上, 300,000 real estate transactions each year include 美国本土盾 home warranties. 


2. Is it hard for my clients to receive service for covered items?

When your clients need to use their home warranty for covered items, 提供者的可靠性和响应性是很重要的. 美国本土盾 has 17,000 contractors in their nationwide network, covering 49 states. 向美国本土盾申请服务也很容易. 当一个被覆盖的物品由于正常的磨损而破裂时, 您的客户只需在线或通过电话请求服务, 24/7. 他们将支付预先设定的贸易服务呼叫费, 一个有执照的, local contractor from the network will diagnose the covered item and offer a solution.


听起来是个计划. 找到最适合你的保修单.

3. 你们的承保范围有什么限制?

It’s important for you and your clients to understand what is and isn’t covered in a bet3365标准版计划. 美国本土盾 makes that easy with its Livable and Forgivable coverage.

Every real estate plan offered by 美国本土盾 is built for everyday, real life. There are no age limits, no inspections, and no maintenance records required. In addition, 美国本土盾 real estate edition plans cover breakdowns due to:


  • 缺乏维护
  • 锈蚀、腐蚀和沉淀物
  • 不匹配系统
  • 无法检测到的已有疾病
  • 不适当的安装、修理或修改
  • 拆除有缺陷的设备
  • 制冷剂的捕集、回收和处理
  • Permits and code violations ($250 per agreement term when required during a covered repair or replacement)

(See state-specific product and pricing flyer 了解更多信息)


4. 贵公司信守承诺吗?

如果你的客户正在考虑一个家庭担保公司, it’s important to verify whether that company actually does what it says it will. 美国本土盾 has paid $2 billion in warranty claims in the last five years. 事实上, 美国本土盾 is glad for clients to use their warranties for covered items, because it gives the company a chance to exhibit service excellence and build long-term relationships, 太.


5. Does your company offer any additional benefits or services for customers?

You want to make sure that your clients get the maximum value out of their home warranty purchase by taking advantage of any extra services or savings. For example, some of the extra benefits offered by 美国本土盾 to its customers include:

  • Rekey*服务,为您的客户有他们的锁重新钥匙
  • 有几种产品的独家折扣 HelloTech提供技术安装和设置服务*
  • Additional property discounts* for your clients when they buy warranty coverage for multiple properties 
  • 季节性暖通空调调节*每台只需75美元

最重要的是, a home warranty company should welcome your questions and be eager to answer them to make sure that you and your clients feel comfortable and informed. If you have additional questions about 美国本土盾 home warranties, 一定要联系你的美国本土盾队成员, 或访问 唯有通过.com/real-estate 了解更多信息.


*适用限制和免责条款. 详情见协议. 报价未包括在卖方承保选项中. 仅供买方使用.


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